
About Me

Hi. I'm Pamela. Wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend, child of God. I could go on. My husband and I chose to homeschool our children about 9 years ago and haven't regretted a second of it at all. Our oldest son, AW, is 15yrs old & a sophomore in high school. Our next is M, 12 yrs old & youngest is Princess E at 5 yrs old.

I chose to do this blog a while ago but wasn't sure really what I wanted to do and just started writing what was on my mind. I decided to write about one of my passions. Fitness & healthy living. I must say I AM NOT a professional. I'm just a woman trying to live as God would have me live & to treat my body as a dwelling place for Him. I hope I can inspire just one person by doing this.

So, sit back, grab a cup of your fave tea or coffee & enjoy my ramblings. I would love to hear from you too! There are some things I'm sure you may have a comment about and I am very interested. Have a blog I might be interested in? Please let me know that too! I would love to follow you too :)

Be Blessed & Healthy!!